What have others said?

Simple changes, significant differences

S Harwood-Gray, Financial Adviser

Very helpful, with simple changes that could make significant differences.

More client commitment

P. Walker, Financial Planner

This has given me a better understanding as how to position future review meetings to get more client commitment.

Great ideas I've never tried

K. Stanbridge, Financial Adviser

Some great ideas that I have never tried. And with lots of useful new information.. I'll give some ago. Really engaging session.

Great specific questions we can ask clients

C. Hockney, Financial Planner

It was a really good session, lots of helpful information and tips. I liked the specific questions that we can use to ask our clients.

Communicating the value of advice

R. Bryant, Financial Planner

Very useful insights and alternative ways to position the annual review which I will definitely adopt. Also interesting points on the value of advice.

Refresh an existing relationship

A. Jones, Financial Adviser

Really great to have some hints and tips on how to refresh an existing relationship and how to set the agenda for a new meeting correctly. Melissa is brilliant.

Personalising each meeting without taking too much time

G. Metcalf, Financial Planner

We follow a good review process in our practice, but it is quite repetitive - especially in terms of the agenda. The session has given me more thoughts around personalising each meeting - without creating too much additional work. Melissa clearly knows her topic and her practical suggestions were certainly very useful.

Helped me to think about client relationships differently

P. Brown, Financial Adviser

Fantastic session with very useful ideas. Really helped me to think about client relationships differently. Excellent session.

Motivating, practical and simple

C. Wood, Financial Planner

This gives great examples of questions and how best to position with clients. Ideas such as introducing scaling and measuring with new clients and then comparing how they feel further into the relationship were also great suggestions. The session was very motivating.

Extremely relevant to our day to day role

J. Caldwell, Financial Adviser

Extremely relevant to our day to day role as advisers. Melissa is brilliant at what she does and you always come away with useful information.

What's included?

Easily apply the ideas without taking too much time

  • Engaging email subject lines - pre and post meeting

  • Pre meeting communication checklist so you can personalise the review without it taking too long

  • A sample client-focused agenda so they can see how relevant this meeting is to their financial wellbeing

  • Pre-meeting letter showing why this will be a valuable and relevant use of their time

  • Getting ignored? This letter can help gain commitment from clients who previously didn't see the value in their review meeting

  • Sample phrases, wording and questions to help deepen your client relationships and add more value

  • Questions to help refresh long-standing client relationships

  • 30 minute video tutorial showing you how to adopt the right mindset, ask good questions and follow up in a way that will inspire action

  • Easily communicate the value of your advice in a way that's meaningful to your client

Course curriculum

    1. Ace your Annual Review

    2. Engaging email subject lines

    3. Pre meeting communication checklist

    4. Sample Agenda

    5. Sample letter for clients who ignore review meeting requests

    6. Sample letter to arrange meeting and position its value

    7. Widening the wealth management conversation - phrases to get beyond the figures

About this course

  • £75.00
  • 7 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Bonus material

Quickly ace your annual reviews by using ready-to-go subject lines, sample letters, phrases, agendas and checklists

  • Sample letters

    Are you struggling to get clients to their reviews? This tried-and-tested letter has shown to increase engagement.

  • Save time

    With a client-focused agenda you can save time. And clients see how this meeting will be a valuable use of THEIR time.

  • Widen and deepen the conversation

    Not sure how to move beyond just wealth management? These phrases can help so you can have a deeper, richer conversation about what this money is FOR.

Increase the value of your meetings

Save time and boost engagement